Monday, August 15, 2011

My People Are Destroyed For A Lack of Knowledge

There are many sayings pertaining to the beauty of ignorance, "Ignorance is bliss" "what you dont know wont hurt you". Well the truth of the matter is this, these statements are what I like to refer to as False Truths. Now im sure your wondering how the hell could the truth be false. Thats quite simple, when its not the whole story then its not the truth. Your ignorance is only bliss because you dont know what really lies beneath the surface. For example if you knew nothing of STD's and what they could do to you, then you would enjoy the pleasure of fucking everything that moved without having to strap up........o wait you fuckers do that shit anyway. What you dont know wont hurt you??? Never has a bigger lie been told. Ask all those people who were attacked by the DC sniper. They didnt know he was even looking at them. What im getting at is pull your head out of your asses look at whats going on around you. In your ignorance you are destroying yourselves I know you hear it in jokes and comedy but why do you think there is a liquor store and a gunshop in every fucking block and only in the hood......So your dubmass can get drunk and then go shoot up the niggas in your hood cuz they are on your turf or someone stepped on your fucking shoes. Yall are focused on all the wrong shit. But because your ignorant you dont see it. But yall are happy because you dont know. But if you would open a fucking book and read something, and im not talking about some bullshit romance novel or Eric Jerome Dickey, and I'm not knocking them. But you mother fuckas need to read something about your history, know where your ancestors come from learn your roots. Being black isnt about being hood or being a D-boy or whatever the fuck pop culture has portrayed to you. Being black is about knowing your fucking history and the people whoe put themselves in harms way So that you could have the right to be a fucking idiot. Being black is about making something of yourself because that what your meant for. Your purpose on this earth is far greater than you are living. YOU ARE SHADOWS OF YOUR FORMER SELVES!!!!! It's time to step into the light Caroline.
Cuz when it comes time for finals........You dont wanna be the dumb motha fucka that didnt study.....

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