A lone mirror stands and in it is my reflection.
"Who are you?" she asks.
"I am you and you are me."
"NO," she replies.
"I am the reflection of who you have become, not who you are meant to be."
"You see you have let doubt, hurt, and anguish take the sparkle out of your eyes. You have allowed the words and actions of others to take the joy out of your smile. You have found solace in the "good enough" and lost the will to persevere. I am not you, for you are not You!""But as I look upon you, I see my eyes"
"Dimmed by the selfishness you see."
"I hear my voice."
"Hardened by all the bickering to be heard!"
"I see my heart."
"Torn and tattered by trying to hold on."
"I see love."
"No what you have is hope and hope has no place for the intellectual. It either is or it isn't. It's just another way to keep you spinning in the same circle."
"But I see strength."
"We all must overcome something."
"I see honor."
"Honoring others is nothing, if you do not honor yourself."
"I see a confidant."
"But who do you confide in? No one, so you're just a dumping space."
"I see a woman."
"But what have you birthed, nurtured, and cultivated?"
"I am a Goddess!"
"Then act as such. A queen never takes what is just given to her. She loves nothing less than a King of her caliber. She demands her honor and gives it where it is due. She adorns herself in dignity and character. She is a sight to behold."
Have you looked in the mirror lately?
I really enjoy reading this blog, because Isis always have her readers thinking about their individual lives. It makes me reflect on what I see when I look into the mirror and, ask myself do I like what I see, or what I have become. use to care about what others thought about me as a person, but I have learn to accept me, and others don't like who I am then the hell with them....Reflections I love it