One of my friends put a post on his facebook page about the Trayvon Martin case. He feels that the issue is more than just racism, he feels that it is about fear that has been instilled through media and years of stereotypes. But i don't believe that, and its simple because i know many people who have chosen not to give into the ignorance delivered by stereotypes and the media. First off ignorance is a choice, you can choose to believe what your parents told you, you can choose to share your friends beliefs, or you can make the choice to go out and learn for yourself. Most children are told things to preserve their innocence, but when they get to s certain age of understanding they begin to learn that the things they were told to be false. I don't know any adult that believes in the boogie man, Santa Claus, or the Easter bunny. They chose at the moment of understanding, not to believe these things. So why should stereotypes be any different. Why should we as adults go out and learn about other cultures. Learning is the path to understanding, understanding is the path to enlightenment. enlightenment is the path away from fear. Fear is also a choice, you can choose to fear something because of what it is or you can choose to respect it. There are things in this world that are way more scary than black people or Mexicans, or whatever race people choose to fear. Cars guns drugs, shit stepping out your door is scarier. I mean lions kill its a known fact, but stupid people still choose to play with them. The point I'm trying to get at is that people choose what to be afraid of, this is caused by their ignorance. Another choice. Hate is a result of fear of the unknown, but things will remain unknown if you choose not to know about them. And that is what ignorance is. Ignorance is the exact opposite of wisdom, wisdom is acting/speaking with knowledge, ignorance is acting/speaking with a lack of knowledge. If we took as much time to learn each other as we did to learn some of the other dumb shit that we do, then our society wouldn't face some of the issues that we do. Its up to everyone to over come the barriers of race and inequality that have been set. True freedom lies through knowledge, knowledge of ones self first, then knowledge of others.
Written from the Heart,
The god
The Naked Truth A.D. is a place of ultimate truth expression. Some of the topics are going to be amusing, some educational, some enlightening, but most importantly they are SELF-Inflective. We are here to talk about LIFE...the Good, the Bad, and the Piss-Poor Morally situations that we all face. Hopefully we can breathe a sigh of relief at the end of the day. ~Peaces~
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
You complain about what you have, but expect more.
You ever sit and hear someone complain about the things they have. They are always wishing they had more. Your sitting there thinking, "Would you STFU, damn i aint even got that." Yeah i sit and deal with that myself more often than i would like to. I grow tired of hearing people complain. Be thankful for once, and maybe, just maybe God will be nice enough to bless you with something else. I mean really, that's like me giving you a gift and instead of saying thank you, you start bitching about it not being what you want. Don't expect another gift from me. Once again human beings are so involved in their own bs they dont take the time to see the world around them. There are people in this world who have nothing, who are stuggling to make ends meet, hell they are struggling to make ends period. You should sometimes take a moment to stop and realize that, this could be you. But no you want more, and the crazy part is you want shit you wont even use. I mean really you complain about gas prices but you want another car, you complain about your income, but you complain about having to work for it. You complain because your dreams arent coming to fruition but what are you doing to make your dreams come true. These are the things you need to look at before you start complaining about what else you want. Sit and take a survey of what you have. I dont have much, and right now i am at a stuck point in my life. Yeah it upsets me sometimes, and it gets me down. But i realize i got here because of my choices, and i will only get out because of my choices. I am always thankful that my situation isnt worse than what it is. If everyone adopted this attitude, the world wouldnt be a better place, but it would be a start. Do me and the rest of us a favor and pull your heads out of your asses. Be thankful for something for once in your miserable lives, and maybe, just maybe you can get more.
No justice, No peace,
No justice, No peace,
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Diamonds are FOREVER.....
There are many songs that say it, but it still holds true that diamonds are forever. Before i get to the meat and potatoes of this post, let me hit you with the appetizers. Diamonds are naturally formed over a long period of time, in conditions of the highest heat and pressure. Diamonds are known as the hardest substance on earth, they are used in some industrial applications to cut and and polish. Because of their hardness an rigid nature, very few impurities can contaminate the diamond, the few that do contaminate the diamond only help to make it more awe inspiring, by changing its color. That is where you get your blue, yellow, and red diamonds. Now the process used to naturally create diamonds, can be duplicated to create synthetic diamonds such as cubic zirconium or silicon carbide. But it takes special techniques to see the difference between the real deal and the fake.
Now what is the point of this post you ask? simple women are like diamonds, they are precious and of high value. No woman starts out as a diamond though, just like no diamond starts out as a diamond. Most of the diamonds i know in my personal life, have been through hell and have had the weight of the world on their shoulders, but they never buckled and they never wavered. They stood their ground and kept on to their goal. They have been through the heartbreaks and the disappointments, but they never let it ruin them they never let it break their spirit. They held on to the faith and hope that there is something/someone out there for them. These are the women that stand by their men and their convictions and beliefs. The impurities you attempt to contaminate them with only serve to make them more beautiful in the eyes of those that want them.
Now for those synthetic diamonds and those cubic zirconium, now if this is what you as a man can afford, or this is what your into then by all means feel free, but be warned, these will not last as long as the real thing. Over time they will lose their luster, and their flaws will become more and more apparent over time, they may also break in the right conditions.
Please don't think this post is aimed at the women, because men we need to learn the difference between the real diamonds and the fake shit. It takes a keen eye and someone who understands the special technique used to tell the difference. At first glance you wont notice the difference, it wont be until you get into the close and deep inspections that you will begin to tell which is real and which is fake. Don't be fooled by the fake shit, and if you do get fooled by it, then that should be your cue to learn how to tell the difference. No jewelery dealer in the world would let you sell them fake shit. in fact if you tried they would probable ban you from their store.
The moral of this story is this. Women be of true value and worth, so that when a man comes along that sees you for what you are he will appreciate your true value. Men know the true value of the women in your lives, don't pass up a diamond for a cubic zirconium.
Now what is the point of this post you ask? simple women are like diamonds, they are precious and of high value. No woman starts out as a diamond though, just like no diamond starts out as a diamond. Most of the diamonds i know in my personal life, have been through hell and have had the weight of the world on their shoulders, but they never buckled and they never wavered. They stood their ground and kept on to their goal. They have been through the heartbreaks and the disappointments, but they never let it ruin them they never let it break their spirit. They held on to the faith and hope that there is something/someone out there for them. These are the women that stand by their men and their convictions and beliefs. The impurities you attempt to contaminate them with only serve to make them more beautiful in the eyes of those that want them.
Now for those synthetic diamonds and those cubic zirconium, now if this is what you as a man can afford, or this is what your into then by all means feel free, but be warned, these will not last as long as the real thing. Over time they will lose their luster, and their flaws will become more and more apparent over time, they may also break in the right conditions.
Please don't think this post is aimed at the women, because men we need to learn the difference between the real diamonds and the fake shit. It takes a keen eye and someone who understands the special technique used to tell the difference. At first glance you wont notice the difference, it wont be until you get into the close and deep inspections that you will begin to tell which is real and which is fake. Don't be fooled by the fake shit, and if you do get fooled by it, then that should be your cue to learn how to tell the difference. No jewelery dealer in the world would let you sell them fake shit. in fact if you tried they would probable ban you from their store.
The moral of this story is this. Women be of true value and worth, so that when a man comes along that sees you for what you are he will appreciate your true value. Men know the true value of the women in your lives, don't pass up a diamond for a cubic zirconium.
Slave Mentallity
So just a few minutes ago a twitter account was brought to my attention. It belongs to a young white girl who has a deep hatred for black people. Yet and still she has black friends and a black boyfriend. What's sad about this is not her racism, thought ignorance is sad its a choice. What's sad is that the black people in her life still stand by her and support her. In not one of her tweets about black people has she excluded any of her friends or her boyfriend, yet these ignorant youths still defend her. This is what is known as a slave mentality. "Massa ain't so bad", "Massa been good to us, we should respect massa", "Massa is our friend". Get the fuck outta my face with that stupid step and fetch bullshit. If you are to stupid to see that someone is disrespecting you and everything you stand for and you choose to support that person, you need to wash your mouth out with buckshot. Some one said to me that the ignorance of others isn't my responsibility. THAT'S WHERE YOUR WRONG. I said it in an earlier blog, My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Though I'm not old i have still seen, heard, and learned enough to pass on to those younger than me. I refuse to leave this world in the hands of a generation that doesn't know its history. It seems to me like we are going to have to fulfill Dr. Kings dream with Malcolm X tactics. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. I can no longer stand by and watch my people be disrespected, and treated like gutter trash. it only takes a spark to set a forest ablaze, don't let me be alone in setting that spark. It takes a village to raise a child. We need to get back to the village mentality we once had, we need to get back to being responsible for each other as a people. The bullshit that's going on in this world needs to come to an end, its easy to turn a blind eye and have the thought process that it doesn't effect you. But what will you do when your loved one becomes the next Trayvon Martin, or the next Troy Davis. Don't wait till the ignorance lands on your doorstep to act, start now.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Here is something you cant understand.....
I had to learn the hard way that you cant tell everyone what you are going through. Sometimes people will try to downplay what your going through, or try to overshadow it with their own trials. Im not one to say that one persons issues are bigger than anothers. But problems are relative. What I'm going through might seem small to you, but to me it could be a mountain that needs to be moved. If i come talk to you, its not your place to judge my situation or to say that what I'm going through is nothing, if you are a friend or someone that cares for me, its your place, to maybe point me to some guidance, at least lend a non judgemental ear to what i have to say. I notice that people are so caught up in what they want, and what they arent given, that they choose not to listen to what people have to say. I often spend most of my time listening to others people problems, yeah i have my own, but that doesnt stop me from listening to someone who needs to vent. But what do i do with my problems? who do i go to to dump my baggage??? Where are the ears when i need them. Stevie Wonder said it best, "When you feel your lifes to hard, you just have a little talk with God." Another reason you cant tell everyone your problems, is that people like to have ammunition against you, I'm still trying to figure out whats to gain from this, but people do it. It isnt what you hear that causes damage, its what you hear that leaves your lips. People talk to damn much for me. We as a people are short on compassion, and i completely understand that its hard to have compassion for people in a world where most people try to get over. But you cant base everyones situation off of what some dumb ass has done. Just once try to listen to a person, try to put yourself in their shoes, and maybe, just maybe you can be the one to give that person a way out, instead of burying that person under more bullshit. Think about it.
The god.
The god.
I haven't written in a while and you must forgive me for my absence. But in light of recent incidents, I am dedicating this post to Trayvon Martin. In watching the news this morning. I am seeing so much that we know is wrong with our government and our society. So i would like to touch on a few things surrounding this tragedy. Though we don't have all the facts, there are just certain things about this, that just don't sit well with me as someone of intelligence. First off, once you take it upon yourself to pursue someone who HAS NOT threatened your life or safety in anyway, you become the aggressor. Zimmerman was told not to pursue Martin, he was told to meet the police when they arrive. He ignored this and chose to follow Martin. That was fuck up number 1. Lets look at the conditions of the night. It's raining, its dark. Trayvon has on a hoodie, and is eating skittles and ice tea. According to the 911 call, Zimmerman already labeled him as black, and said he looked suspicious and was on something. You all heard the tape. Now even after labeling and targeting this young man, he approached him. It was recently said that Trayvon had assaulted Zimmerman, i don't believe he did it without provocation. I mean lets be real, how many of us would respond positively to someone riding up on us in an SUV w/o identifying themselves. I know i wouldn't. Even if Trayvon whooped Zimmermans ass (which i hope he did) that still was no reason to shoot him. According to Zimmermans (BLACK) lawyer and friend, (gotta keep a black friend for times like these) Joe Oliver, after Zimmerman got Martin off of him, he shot him. Once you got him off of you you should have left it alone, an ass whooping is not a reason for deadly force. Even if it was self defense, forensic evidence should have been taken to verify that is was self defense, not the word of a white neighborhood watch officer, in a city known for sweeping its racist crimes under the rug. Yes this same police force tried to cover up a the deadly beating of a black homeless man by the former police chiefs son. The son turned himself in because someone caught the beating on tape and posted the video on YouTube. Then you have the idiots running for president trying to say this isn't an issue about race, yet all of them are white. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all white people are bad. But anyone who does not see this for what it is, is still trying to cover up the elephant in the room. But its too big to cover up, it will not be ignored any longer. Before we make the world take notice of us, we need to take notice of ourselves. What are we as black people doing to make sure this never happens again, even if there is justice for Trayvon Martin, what are we doing to ensure that we cant just be swept under the rug with the dust and debris. What are we doing to establish ourselves as valid. All that our civil rights leaders have fought for, and we still live in a world where a black mans life has less value than an animal. I for one will not stand by and tolerate it anymore, and neither should you. I will close this post with a quote from Genghis Khan, but I am going to alter it slightly. Because the time has come for us to be heard.
"We are the punishment of God, If you had not committed great sins God would not have sent a punishment like us upon you."
Let us be the punishment of God, not through violence, but through civil action, take control of the laws in your cities, be responsible. Its not enough to vote, but know what your voting for. Know who you are voting for.
"We are the punishment of God, If you had not committed great sins God would not have sent a punishment like us upon you."
Let us be the punishment of God, not through violence, but through civil action, take control of the laws in your cities, be responsible. Its not enough to vote, but know what your voting for. Know who you are voting for.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Every fe/male is not a wo/man.....

See the problem really isn't them. It's you. You have no insight into who you are. They know they will never be more that what they are right now. They are a wilting flower, but they will continue to drain your life force as long as you remain unconscious to the fact of who you are. They will never know your worth or see you as an asset to their life. They will sabotage everything you do, complain about everything and treat you like shit. Why? Because they can and because you allow them to. Some people in your life are meant to teach you what not to be. But sometimes we love so hard and hold on so tight expecting so much, not knowing that they have reached their full potential. You can not make a FE/MALE be a WO/MAN. They either are or they're not. You will know by their behavior. We stunt our own development by trying to hold on to these people. I have recently come to this same conclusion in my own life. Love is a very strong emotion and in the right relationship it can be awesome and adventurous. But when love is one-sided, it can become a numbing ache that dampens your whole life. Believe me I once was there.
The thing that we as WO/MEN must remember is that everything in life changes, transitions, metamorphosizes, evolves. Things that remain stagnant or reprobate are dead in spirit, soul, mind, and body. Life has a beautiful smell and brings vibrance. Death is cold, callous, carries a foul odor.
What are you laying beside?
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