Monday, March 26, 2012


I haven't written in a while and you must forgive me for my absence. But in light of recent incidents, I am dedicating this post to Trayvon Martin. In watching the news this morning. I am seeing so much that we know is wrong with our government and our society. So i would like to touch on a few things surrounding this tragedy. Though we don't have all the facts, there are just certain things about this, that just don't sit well with me as someone of intelligence. First off, once you take it upon yourself to pursue someone who HAS NOT threatened your life or safety in anyway, you become the aggressor. Zimmerman was told not to pursue Martin, he was told to meet the police when they arrive. He ignored this and chose to follow Martin. That was fuck up number 1. Lets look at the conditions of the night. It's raining, its dark. Trayvon has on a hoodie, and is eating skittles and ice tea. According to the 911 call, Zimmerman already labeled him as black, and said he looked suspicious and was on something. You all heard the tape. Now even after labeling and targeting this young man, he approached him. It was recently said that Trayvon had assaulted Zimmerman, i don't believe he did it without provocation. I mean lets be real, how many of us would respond positively to someone riding up on us in an SUV w/o identifying themselves. I know i wouldn't. Even if Trayvon whooped Zimmermans ass (which i hope he did) that still was no reason to shoot him. According to Zimmermans (BLACK) lawyer and friend, (gotta keep a black friend for times like these) Joe Oliver, after Zimmerman got Martin off of him, he shot him. Once you got him off of you you should have left it alone, an ass whooping is not a reason for deadly force. Even if it was self defense, forensic evidence should have been taken to verify that is was self defense, not the word of a white neighborhood watch officer, in a city known for sweeping its racist crimes under the rug. Yes this same police force tried to cover up a the deadly beating of a black homeless man by the former police chiefs son. The son turned himself in because someone caught the beating on tape and posted the video on YouTube. Then you have the idiots running for president trying to say this isn't an issue about race, yet all of them are white. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all white people are bad. But anyone who does not see this for what it is, is still trying to cover up the elephant in the room. But its too big to cover up, it will not be ignored any longer. Before we make the world take notice of us, we need to take notice of ourselves. What are we as black people doing to make sure this never happens again, even if there is justice for Trayvon Martin, what are we doing to ensure that we cant just be swept under the rug with the dust and debris. What are we doing to establish ourselves as valid. All that our civil rights leaders have fought for, and we still live in a world where a black mans life has less value than an animal. I for one will not stand by and tolerate it anymore, and neither should you. I will close this post with a quote from Genghis Khan, but I am going to alter it slightly. Because the time has come for us to be heard.

"We are the punishment of God, If you had not committed great sins God would not have sent a punishment like us upon you."

Let us be the punishment of God, not through violence, but through civil action, take control of the laws in your cities, be responsible. Its not enough to vote, but know what your voting for. Know who you are voting for.

1 comment:

  1. Man, very well said I truly understand that this will continue to happen, but I pray we can get to a place, to see and understand that racism has no place in our society.

    Please keep bringing us the naked truth.
